Monday, October 14, 2013

Seal the Leaks!

If you have a leaky window, you might as well leave it open three inches during the cold weather months. A crack as small as 1/16th of an inch around a window frame can let in as much cold air as leaving the window open three inches!

Here are a couple of ways to detect air leaks: 

At night, shine a flashlight over the suspected gaps while someone else observes from outside. It also needs to be dark inside and large cracks will then show up as beams of light. This method is not the best option for finding small cracks.  Shut a door or window on a piece of paper. If you can pull the paper out without tearing it, you are losing energy.
Besides windows and doors, here are a few other places to check for air leaks:

·                     Mail chutes
·                     Electrical and gas service entrances
·                     Cable or satellite TV and phone lines
·                     Dryer vents
·                     Air conditioners
·                     Exhaust fans

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